Thursday, May 31, 2007

3D worlds: you can still get lost?

i am here to tlak to you about the worlds of the 3D lands known as chat rooms. the fun we had wandering the plains of cyberspace with someone we wished to look like or who we thought was cool. the reasons behind these sites is for toughts seeking friends selldom have to leave thier houses let alone there rooms to make contact with the outside world. as much as i bad thing or anti-social thing i have made this out to be i would be lieing if i dont use it myself. IMVU messenger is one of my site that i reguarly vist not just for tasks but to reach out and mewet people of all creeds and cultures. i have talk to poeple on the otherside of the world and i have talked to people that i was sitting next to. everyone branches out and connects with someone they probably never even knew exested how fun would it be to be to find some who shares the same views on a cartoon series you love and who also enjoy wrestling. these are just examples of things that people like many have in common with each other. each to there own as i say everyone likes to pretend to be someone else every now and then and if you find that creepy you should. Not everyones ready to except everyoe for who they are and this is why the virtual avatar comes in handy. becoming who you want to be can be achieved through the magic of non verbal contact through a screen and about 10 million metres of cables. oh the joy of being unknown to strangers while at the same time exposing your soul only here can we lie to people and tell the truth at the same time. the world of cyber space is twisted intrecated with different opions and views on everything ad in 3D worlds you can lose yourself to the reality of virtual reality. In all 3D world paint a picture of of indivuals whating to do things they could only dream of there alter ego so to speak lock away for evr in a box we call a computer.

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