Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the end is nigh

the end of this course is near and the exam is all bout on us it is an ominous time for all involved. This is one of thoughts times that you need a helping hand but it is not all ways there. it come down to just you and a piece of paper or in this case a computer in the end. I have over come the fear of typing what i want to say and for that i am great full. any ways it is just one more thing away form the big exam oh god oh god argh. this is the end last thing i will ever write in this class but i will have to say this i though that all of the work cover helped me hugely. Summarizing in total i found it most life altering in the way it is showing. the reasons for me taking this course in the first place where to fill in time but, i have come to reliase that there was more than meets the eye to it all. i learned may a thing everything from the worlds of 3D chat rooms to the joys of writing blogs agian. This course has made me think of things such as the future and what is going to be possible if we keep going the way we are going. while things like andorids become real? will life become one big game? and will bruce willis grow hair agian? the movie we have watched may have made most tierd and bored but they enlightened me in the way of finding something to relate with from past to present. views of the past on what todays world would be like fall short on what many think. there is no flying cars or virtual game worlds for all but instead a gathering of indivauls that have the right to say what the want to say with the magic of the internet. may of you may scoff at my use of these points but i really couldn't care. because i asnt the most dilligent student doesnt mean my opion isnt as vaild as the next persons. it is i hope as important as the next persons and the one before me giving everyone a voice is what the new communications is about expanding your friends and reducing the amount of strangers in the world. networking is key to life now. everything is important and nothing is worthless. Spell is no more and so is gammer, both of which died at the birth of the chat room. time saying ways of speaking where invent abbreviations such as lol or brb both of which are commonly uused in todays society by young people wether it be on the internet of in person. Nothing can feel worse then letting todays youth down with the language that has so well shaped society. Dumbing things down wont make it better nothing will, nothing except the hard work of youths whating to learn having a thirst for knowledge just as i have. To summerize i would like to qoute the spartans "take everything from them and leave them nothing!" exactlly what we should do with knowledge take it all in and leave nothing behind.

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