Thursday, May 31, 2007

Assignment argh!!!!!!!

Has today’s youth become lazier with language? I put forward this question after I found out that a student in the UK handed in an exam written completely in text language. ( Today’s youth are exposed to many things that hinder there learning such as TV, video games and even the internet. ( ) in Boston this study was completed showing us that distraction is the number 1 reason we don’t retain as much information as we would like. This in turn diminishes our understanding of the English language. Today’s youth are constantly told what to use what to say and this drives them to resort to using abbreviated form of our language. This language is also related to that of AOL chartroom speech used universally over the world of internet chat rooms. This form of language is an abomination to the English language my reason for this is today’s youth is becoming increasingly lazy. The modern day lifestyle is one of great stress and this has caused our youth to start using abbreviations in everyday life as well as talking on the internet.
Many of these can be found at ( this website can be used to find the abbreviations for many phrases for example ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing. This is commonly a used phrase through out the playground of to day’s schools. Students between the ages of 13 and 17 are becoming increasingly prominent in the use of text language. I conducted interviews with students at Aquinas College asking them there feelings on text speak. Many of them are aware that this type of language is developing into a common thing. And almost ¾ of them use text speak in every day life most common of these terms is LOL: laugh out loud. Other thing that was brought to my attention is where they learned about this type of language. The internets chat tools such as MSN Messenger ( which encourages the use of this language by inducing emocon’s (emotional icons.) these enhance the viewers chat by showing face with emotions and assorted other animations. The use of the AOL chartroom language in MSN messenger shows us today’s youth just doesn’t have the time to type a full sentence. For instance using the website ( I can show you a standard conversation. How R u? Not bad. U doin much. not rly playig WOW. lol! This is translated to How are you? Not bad. You doing much. Not really playing World of Warcraft. Laugh out loud! This shows us the extent of briefing the words go through before they even are said by the speaker. This translator can also be used by parents to decipher text messages of the children if they can figure out how to use the internet. On the other hand it’s telling us that we need help understanding our own language. Both text and the English language are becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to understand with our standards on education falling.
Many of today’s kids have a hard time spelling and therefore revert to the language of text to compensate for there lack of spelling skills. In an article by the BBC news network ( it is shown that text is becoming easier to understand than the English language for the students of today. The student involved processed to write out an exam in text and he teacher was stunned at what had happened. And example of this is "My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3 :- kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc." (In translation: "My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York. It's a great place.") This is an extraction of part of her exam and it shows you how we are worlds apart in the respect of language. The average person would look at this and ask what is this? While an average teenager would look at ait and go "you went to New York cool, I wish I could do something like that form holidays."
Even the church is trying to cash in on this idea of text speak. ( This website uses the text language to spread the message of the Lord. Though not supported by the Church of Rome it still holds valid points in sharing the message of good will through a modern form of communication.

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