Thursday, May 31, 2007

Net Safety: I can see you

Watching some one from the otherside of glasss can be fun at time but also a tad bit creepy. this unfortuantly seems to be the case in todays society. cameras are everywhere from phone to bolts and they have even developed them same enough to fit inside the eye of a needdle. We need to as human beings respect the right of privicy and solitude. The fun times shall role as perverts gather in chat rooms waiting for that young child to wander too far into there comfort zone. pretending to be the a class mate or a child at there school they take advantge of the weaknesses we all hold so close. trust is to easy to gain with most young people offer them the prevobial candy and they will follow you just about everywhere you want to go. telling them things that would make a hardcore porn star sick to the bone. perverts are the lowest of the low not able to function properly with the society of the real world they turned to the internet as a resource for finding there next victims long are the days of sitting in cars out side of schools (even though that is still relativly common in this day and age) the average age of these creepy indivual varys between normally there late 20's to 90's which leaves you wodering how did old people learn to use the web so well? your answer to that is the probaly dont they are in the miniorty once majorty of thoughs who used to hang out side of schools not becuase it was trendy but to prey on unsuspecting girls and boy stupid enough to get in the car with the "nice man" who offers them sunshine and rainbows and candy. the younger ones how everneed to be more consered with the net checker and internet providers who like to see who is on what and is under whos name. many of the sites young peope vist are not protected to the fullest they can be pssibly because of liablity. if someone got through the fire walls and net checks and managed to get a meeting with one of these kids the websites conviners wold have a lot to answer for. this is why the disclamier was invented i guess to insure people would be sensable enough to use discripency when dealing with people over th internet. further more the way poeple seem to believe who these people are just down right stupid even (note i dont mean that for everyone its true that a certain number of these people are very proffesional in the way they deal with kids) (another note i dont mean proffesional as child care type but as a perdetor for a living type.) any way i think this rant on things like perverts, cyber raping and creepy old competer dislekisk men has to come to a close all i have to say is keep your eys on the prize and pray to god its your friend your talking to and not a guy sitting in his underwear playing with himself (note yet agian this might be your friend if so run)

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